030408-thursday afternoon
sakae buffet with the girls to celebrate jel's birthday. see the red bag she's holding? i made it with red silvered tissue! pretty pretty.

a notebook i made for jelaine for the birthday! the making process.

the packaging. jelaine, welcome to CLUB 20! (:
040408-friday night


amidst the dusk of twlight dawn
she sits, reflects to pen her thoughts.
then thinks of years, the time thats past.
of friendships fraught,
of memories wraught,
of times to change and moments made,
of mistakes and wrongs to right,
but remembers God in His perfect plan,
has forestiched the fabric of her entire life.
the pattern perfect,
His way just right.
amidst the dusk of twlight dawn,
she notes the ingenuity of it all.
thanks God for the birds and trees,
and realises,
things are best left the way they be.

been yearning to get new birks. and those caught my eye. so many many choices. haha. but i think i'm settling for the khaki gizeh. simple and afforable. (:

we had dinner with the orchards at the hong kong street cafe. i only managed to snap a few pictures during the meal. the rest were quickly served and eaten. haha.

marche for lunch. it seems like the only branch we could find left was at viv too bad. food wasn't too bad, its just that it was a tad bit too oily for my liking. but, the hot chocolate was heavenly. think, velvety, and RICH.

random pictures of my room and table.

made this for myself on a whim. love it! owls and vintage daisys.
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