lately, i've been feeling like my grasp of the english language is rapidly deteriorating. while in junior college, i did literature. so we were practically forced to read like 6 books over 2 years in depth and a gazillion poems. the books weren't chick flicks or anything of the sort. it was heavyweights like classics and shakespeare. and i kinda miss that. at least i felt occassionaly i connected with the great minds who wrote these inspirations. so on a whim, i bought a jane austen - sense and sensibility. i haven't really had the time to sit and just read. but so far it has been okay. really hoping it'll get me out of the widening blackhole of the lack of proper english.

okay, so my parents just came back from KL. they got me this pretty wired butterfly stand. its made by a man in a wheelchair. its really odd - everytime i see crafts like these, they are usually made by people who are apparently disabled. but with talent like that, it wouldn't be right to call them disabled. intead of it being just left on my desk, i decided to use it to prop notes for me to remember.

on monday, andrew was sick. so he took a mc. so we had breakfast together! (: we tried the new mcgriddles. its basically a sausage mcmuffin with pancakes instead of burgers. griddles. i like the name. i think i shall make a pair of earrings and name it griddles.

guess what came in the mail yesterday?!!!!! my licence!!!!!!!!! now i don't have to show people my pathetic slip of paper that says "you may drive while awaiting your licence" or something to that effect. haha. i look like a dork there. i know. but i took the picture last year. and i was too excited when i passed to take another. so i didn't. so i just stuck with this. this picture is on my passport as well. so AHWELLS. its only a picture. yes. thats what i keep telling myself.
the second sign is in hokkien dialect. translated it basically means one person is scared to lose (kiasu), while the other is scared to die (kiasi), so drive safely. my parents are such comedians. they gave me that from their recent trip to KL. ironically my licence came in the mail that day too. irony. the bane of it all.

made a batch of mini cupcakes. i'm calling them my minicakes. yes. so sandra took 2 from me while they were fresh out of the oven and because i was out of icing sugar, i couldn't make icing. so i just dribbled some confetti and choc chips. and there came munchkin man and his lady friend. (:
okay, more soon. going to do stock in today again. shall be sure to bring my camera. will try to get some pictures of the mayhem.
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