need i say more? haha. really thank God.

flour, sugar, choc chips butter...a recipe book. hmm...
cupcake trays...
i tried the bacon mushroom sauce with instant noodles instead. its not too bad.
scented vanilla candle, handmade by sherwin's classmate, jamie's mom. they smell really good. got bored while studying so i carved initials into it.
bought yummy yummy lip balms from etsy! (:
new updates at squiggletown! (: and MORE coming up soon!
added a bit more bits and embellishments to my diary. makes scheduling more fun i feel. (:
and to my notebook. haha. okay.
watched waterhorse and horton! waterhorse was alright. the story was touching. and its like fairytales. gives you that hope to believe in magic and stories. that at the end of it all good would prevail. even if everything seems so hopeless and dire. it reminded me a bit of peter pan II (yes, there is a part II. haha. i watched it on disney channel). both shows are set in countries struggling with war (i'm guessing its WWII). while one in scotland and the other in britain, still similarities are there. the entire movie was kinda dark though...
horton on the other hand is really enjoyable. its light-hearted, funny, and the animation is fantastic! makes you want to read dr. suess all over.
i suppose i should get back to studying. i should. really. but (why oh why must i!)
pictures from the phs jj carnival.
and UPDATES in squiggletown! quick go look! (:
a masquerade ball and a maiden. but her trinket slips while caught in the moment. a whirl and suddenly time stood still. as the timepiece glittered in the moonlight, it lay still under the shimmer. yet, it twinkled and teased. slowly, the creeping tendrils of roses draped itself around it. but yet, its beauty still shows. timeless enrapturement.
and i seriously need to study. sigh. so so so so so deaddddd.
an alternative would be a salt body scrub.
this is taken from a book "bikini fit".
ohh, and i received an email from my mom. while eating, its better to drink warm water. the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. and this would slow down the digestion. once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. it will line the intestine and soon turn into fats and lead to cancer. therefore, it is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
so keep fit and be healthy! (darn, now i'll need to exercise...)
then baked cupcakes using my favourite recipe. yummy yummy! the top is slightly crisp. the inside is chewy. not too sweet. moist. just right. (: