Saturday, March 08, 2008

jumbo jumble carnival @ PHS

some random food picture which i shall explain shortly. the almond filled bottles are an idea of what you could use empty class bottles for. the sweets at the bottom left are like a blast from the past! i used to eat these as a child, didnt know they still existed. heart shaped cut fruits. my version of carbonara + prawns and shrooms. not bad. needs more salt tho.

pictures from the phs jj carnival.

and UPDATES in squiggletown! quick go look! (:
a masquerade ball and a maiden. but her trinket slips while caught in the moment. a whirl and suddenly time stood still. as the timepiece glittered in the moonlight, it lay still under the shimmer. yet, it twinkled and teased. slowly, the creeping tendrils of roses draped itself around it. but yet, its beauty still shows. timeless enrapturement.

and i seriously need to study. sigh. so so so so so deaddddd.

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