Monday, February 18, 2008

play "n" learn

once upon a time, there were four friends. and they were on a mission. a mission to get the scoop on what makes a company (play "n" learn) tick. so they took a trip down to see for themselves. after asking thought provking and hard hitting questions, they decided they needed a more hands-on experience in order to fully write this report well. they didn't want to do it, but they finally relented. they needed to get their hands dirty. they plunged in, right deep into the crystal puzzle to find the answers they needed.

presenting the evidence. the pieces of the puzzle fitted (literally), although some of them took more time to reach the same conclusion (no names shall be mentioned to protect the innocent). but they got the answer! they got the answers they had been searching for, and they realised the company embodied the virtue that they had forgotten, that in order to grow, one had to play and learn.

and so they did. they embraced the calling. and decided that they would play and learn. (naturally, some did more than others.)



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