danny yeo was the lecturer for the tv module. it was really interesting. the lecture wasn't too dry and he even made us play a game (the receiver & transmitter), which quite apparently was the mass media communication model. but fun nonetheless (we also discovered ivan's knack of making astonishingly accurate, annoying and startling stark crow squawks)
after which san and i rushed to rtc for a quick game of bowling and dinner, before heading to church for the video screening on darwinism. the evidence was that all life on earth was created by intelligent design and not through the means of random natural selection was compelling. the organism used to back this debate was the microscopic bacterial flagellum. an organism so small, yet with such an intricate mechanical design. defenitely was food for thought.

so the next day we had to produce a 3min beginning to a television programme. naturally my genre was toward that of art and craft. so i had a martha steward-art attack- david tutera kinda segment. basically it was a DIY craftshow called "squiggletown" and various episodes would feature different art mediums. for the first episode i choose notebooks. so i explained the various types of notebooks one could make at home and was going to demonstrate how to make a glue binded notebook after the break. i think all things considered, it went pretty well. so yea, i'm not too bogged by it. but with that over, it means there's no extra homework! (THANK GOD) because this week 3 assignments are due. which i need to get back to soon...

class photo at the end of lesson. i like this picture. (:

after which, we had steamboat at mae's house! it was a pity that the rest couldn't make it and it was just the 9 of us. so after mediacorp, we made a trip to ntuc at tp and then took an incredibly long bus ride to siglap. goodness. but thanks mae for opening your house! apart from the burping contests and raw cabbage forfeits, i think it was a pretty rad night.

bible ball is a game i created to teach my sunday school lesson. basically you throw a dice and answer a question. if you're right, you move the number of steps the dice shows. finish a round and its a homerun. the team with the most homeruns wins! so yea. haha.

found some random hand and foot pictures in my com from over the past few years...i would like to direct your attention to the top left picture. haaha. okay, i've been searching for a ring that looks just like that. and i managed to find it! and andrew so thoughtfully got it for me. for some reason, i get the feel that it looks like a medieval-tiara feel to it. anyhow, i think its GORGEOUS. so there. ohh, and in case you're wondering why one hand looks bigger than the other in the bottom left picture, cos one hand is mine and the other is andrew's - the result of pure boredom. (: ohh and the french manicure, that was one of the RARE times i managed to do it properly, increasingly i feel like i'm lacking the patience for such things. and top right - pretty stripey bow shoes! (:
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