breakfast today: aloe vera yoghut with tonnes of strawberries!

started to get a small blister while wearing my birks, not too used to madrid you see. i usually wear gizeh. anyhow, this called for a macro shot!

the fountain pen nib was a macro shot too. the picture above didn't have a shadow but the bottom one did. and the bottom pic was clearer. so i'm guessing its got something to do with the lighting.
and hazel droppped by mwl! so we took some pics...

and i decided to mod podge. something. what it is i will share soon hopefully. still trying to come up with a project that would require mod podege. (:

and school is starting soon. would you believe it but i miss studying a little. so preping myself by buying stationery! (:

and i got my beading groove back, so check out

and i'm SO late for work. laters!
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