the weather here in singapore has been sweltering. its been really really warm, and i cant seem to stay in my room to create without breaking into perspiration. i think i prefer creating on rainy days. anyhow, weather talk aside, last saturday i went for a mini album class with netta and janice. we made this:

the main reason why i wanted to go for the class was because i wanted to try using a varied range of materials to distress. so far, my scrapbooking know-how has been mostly self-taught - reading books and magazines, reading blogs and websites. but i guess the good thing about going for classes is that i ensure i finish an album in a stipulated time. plus, i learn new techniques and perspectives - and i suppose learning it the proper way.

so then it kinda inspired a album swap. decided to try doing the swap with netta. it would be mostly a 6 x 6 album. thats the raw pages and cover there. but so far, i've been drawing a blank. i'm not sure how to go about designing the album and i'm not even sure what the album is going to be used for. i'm thinking something along the lines of "growth" and "self-actualisation". maybe using maslow's hierarchy of needs - physiological, safety, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualisation. i'm thinking either a documentation of the satisfaction of these needs or how i might want to pursue them or something just along
that line. basically how to become a better person - in fact how does one become better? the criteria? the goals or aims or methods to go about it.

on another note, i tweaked my paper organisation again. put the scraps into smaller resealable bags, made sure the papers were where they meant to be. and...

yupp! very happy with this. i made my own pockets with resealable packets and reinforced them with eyelets. then i realised the folder i used for the stamps was just enough for the number of clear stamps i had. so i might have to find a larger folder in the future. but for now, i'm
very pleased with it. i labelled the stamps as well-the brand and series. so if you're tight on budget but need a clear stamps folder, don't buy it, make it. its just as nice if not better. (: