i decided to collage instead. thereby not needing to use photoshop to resize. so be forewarned! picture OVERload. (:
26/01/08 - saturday {mediacorp}
took a tour of RSI (Radio Singapore International) again with Belinda Sunshine. took turns pretending we were radio presenters interviewing people for talkshows.
27/01/08 - sunday {mediacorp}
radio recording studio. very cool. jean danker, jamie teo and other radio presenters used this studio. the polaroids show some of the people who've been in here. ali and thomas were helping us to record. liz and i did a gossip girl interview! very fun. (:
28/01/08 - breakfast {pancakes with bananas, maple syrup and butter}
29/01/08 - muffins {butter & sugar-free!}
by some amazing default, i concocted a muffin recipie! actually, its more like a muffcone. a hybrid muffin and scone. there's absolutely no butter and no sugar in it! i did use organic maple syrup tho. but i think its relatively healthy. aaaaand! its great with organic marmelade! it started with me needing to use a tub of sour cream, and not having enough ingredients for a suggested muffin recipie on the cover, thereby me doing a ad-hoc dumping of ingredients (i decided to add milk to ensure the consistency was right and left out lots of other stuff like apricot nectar and apricots) and amazingly (thank GOD), it turned out pretty decent. i had a couple of food tasters try it yesterday. apart from it being not sweet and a little bland, i'd say it was a success! a variation would be to add apricots and almonds. (:
30/01/08 - birthday party {mae's 21st}
we surprised mae in class! we did a cork board with loads of handwritten notes and pinned it up. then some of us bought a bag and inside the bag we put the smaller presents from the rest inside. so at first when angelo came in to give mae her present from him, she thought he was the only one who had a present for her. and she was hinting that at least *someone* bought her a present. haha. then after break eileen, suzy and nurul lured her out of class while shuyan and i quickly put up the rest of the notes and set up the noticeboard with the presents. i managed to wrap it by making a custom-sized paper bag. inside, i tried co-ordinating the wrappers, so most of the wrappers had an element of pink or at least were whole shades of pink. she was really surprised by the extent of the presents. and got a shock when she realised there were MORE presents inside the bag! haha. classic.
then we proceeded to east coast, costa island resort. my goodness. the bus ride was like *super* long. almost an hour?!! then while walking by mandarin gardens, crystal and i spotted some tennis balls, so we picked them up. haha. might use them tmr when playing tennis! (: but the party was really fun. the barbeque was fantastic! the chicken and sausages were especially succulent. and we played freeze&melt catching and the category game. my goodness. it was like primary school all over again! haha. but fun. then there was a long session of phototaking! we took photos with us using our fingers to form various numbers from 1 to 5.30/01/08 - *andrew's* birthday! {his birthday card}
*andrew if you're reading this post, STOP!*
(okay. i bet you didn't)
yupp, mae and andrew got the same birthday! but i'm celebrating with him on friday. dinner date! whee! cant wait. (: so anyhow i scrapped a "card" for him. its actually a small booklet. but the title was "how much do i love thee? let me count the ways..." i didn't get to pass it to him yesterday as intended. haha. thus the bold orange comment above. but ahwells. the pileup doesnt show the pages clearly. haha. so yes.
*close-ups avaliable in flickr*
okay. *breathes* so there you go. picture crash course complete!
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