our trip to beijing in pictures. 5 pictures a day. there are loads more but its just too many. will prolly share some along the way.
DAY 1: 03/12/07

on board air china.

dad and mom.

san and i.

our first dinner at beijing: peking duck!

upon arrival in our room, we decided to take a picture in our full length mirror. say cheese!
DAY 2: 04/12/07

the trio walking to forbidden city. (: i like this picture.

forbidden city. it is really really huuuuuge btw.

our trishaw ride to see how the typical citizen's house looks like. now and in the past, it has remained the same.

us kids at the summer palace. jia min, li jie, sandra, hui min, sherwin and sheryl.

beautiful sunset outside the summer palace. we went to the pearl factory after that. the fantastic thing was the pearls from that shop were from the lake in the summer palace!
DAY 3: 05/12/07

jade factory. how to check if a jade piece is real? first, the colour (by looking through this glass thing) and second the sound. the clarity and pitch of the sound is a clear indicator.

ice-cream at the great wall anyone? i know it sounds insane. its like sub-zero yet we're eating ice-cream?!! well, cos when you climb up the great wall, its like super steep. so you end up panting and sweating. an ice-cream is a welcomed relief!

at the great wall. taken uh, circa 1970s! haaha. (:

the ming tombs.

tea appreciation at dr.tea (:
DAY 4: 06/12/07
didn't get a chance to take a picture of the hotel till then. so this is how the hotel looks like. looks kinda like all those other ancient buildings huh? like the forbidden city, summer palace, heavenly temple...

us at heavenly temple. dad, mom, san, me, sherwin, aunty, li jie, jia min and hui min.

guess whats wrong with the picture? (grin)

our free government provided foot reflexology. there were these TCM doctors who read palms to determine the type of illness you have. and they are really accurate. they can actually tell what type of sickness you have just by looking at your face!

we finally had hotpot!! (: the meat is missing from this picture tho. they practically shaved the meat into reaaaaaaly thin slices so that they would cook almost instantly!
DAY 5: 07/12/07

the bridge we took to cross over to more shopping centres! the last day was actually mostly shopping. sadly most clothes were for winter wear, not suitable for sunny singapore.

sherwin's very happy cos daddy's buying a boxful of spinning lighted tops!

there was a lot of veggie in our meals for the past 5 days. and so we were craving for some good ole steak! so daddy brought us to this fab western food place.

us at dinner. the last meal at beijing.

one last look at the hotel.
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