idea - bauble tags:

i found these small little baubles which i was planning to use for squiggletown. but then i realised they make such pretty embellishments for presents and also make great gift tags! these were made in a hurry. but i'll be trying to make some that are more furbished for sale. the first picture depicts the tools and stationery needed.
the sale will actually be at a fair, this sunday at food for thought cafe:
date: Sunday, Dec 23
time: 12nn-6pm
venue: Food for Thought Cafe
(opposite the National Library - 420 North Bridge Road, North Bridge Centre, #01-06)

after camp, went out to get some craft stuff and then had a nice dinner with andrew at pizza hut. a word of caution to all who want to try it - its really filling. and while i like the pizza itself (the cheese is gorgeous!), i don't like the crust that much (which is oddly, the thing that i usually like). but the drink isn't half bad. so yea.
yf camp 2007:

yf camp was really good. the fellowship, the message, the spiritual high that tends to be generated. i was going to take ALOT of pictures, but then there were so many photographers already, so i got lazy. haha. shall cope the pictures from caleb instead. (: but here are some of the few pictures i got.anyhow, its the 21st of december, 4 days to Christmas, 6 days to driving test (which i really really want to pass), 10 days to 2008...busy busy busy!♥sheryl
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