anyways!! on the scrapping side i've come up with a LO for mwl's scrap challenge. its the first time i sketched a LO before actually doing it. still need a few items tho, shall drop by mwl on friday to pick them up. also, i managed to do four 4"by4" Christmas cards! yes i know i'm early. but seeing as how i've got exams end of the month (yes, i know i have to study) and a possible holiday in dec, figured i should start early. i even started compiling my Christmas list, addresses and all - for the cards.
didnt get round to making the 4"by4" calenders (seem to have a penchant for 4"by4" LOs). i binded them already, in pretty colours, like last week, but, i dunno. creativity hasnt striked. hasnt stroke? sounds odd. ahwells. i'm still hoping to get a pretty organizer while on holiday, and then i add my own scrapping stuff to personalise it.
i realise i get interested in something, but i wont go into it right away. like i've been reading scrapping mags for ages, like at least slightly over a year ago, but i didnt try buying materials and really getting serious about scrapping till this year. oddly, its the same with beading. been beading since primary school - ever since my ee ee picked it up and taught me the basics. then it was on and off - mostly making presents for friends or just for self to wear. then last year i got serious about it and started butterfleric (which was actually my email address - the shop is now called squiggletown). sewing and baking started i must say in secondary school. home econs wasnt wasted on me i suppose. haha. the loop stiching and cooking lessons. the rest of the arty stuff was from art club.
i realise that most people concentrate on ONE craft. be it beading or scrapping, baking or sewing for that matter. and they become really good at it. i just hope i'm not being fickle or spreading myself too thin by getting interested in so many things at the same time. but i honestly feel that each stimulates the other. i'm always getting ideas for one craft by doing another craft. so yea. i suppose one has to really really enjoy what one does. but as i said in my previous post, gratification is always a sweet assurance. (:
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