Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
solomon cotty ong

see the fruit and veggie stickers there? we had 12 groups. at first i thought it might have had some significance, like maybe the 12 tribes of Israel. but then soon found out it was random. haha. so the group names were oranges, pumpkin, tropics (banana, watermelon, pineapple stickers), purple nurple (mangosteen, eggplant, grapes stickers), granny smith, jalapeƱos, lemon & lime, peas in a pod, condiments (tomatoes & chilli), cabbage patch, stew (mushroom & potato) and carrots.

we cut...
we blended...
we mixed...
we tasted...
we packed.
ready for you to guess the fruits we used to blend it together! (: actually, if the juice blend wasn't purple, i would have thought it just to be banana juice. then there was the forfeit as well which has stronger tasting fruits (like durain, soursop, jackfruit, mango, papaya...) oddly, andrew preferred the forfeit blend rather than the drinking blend. but honestly the fruit blends weren't half bad. all we needed was lots of ice and some yoghurt and we could've set up a smoothie stall! regarding the previous post on gg. i take back what i said about it being totally superficial. i think sometimes, the episodes present real life issues (in a decidedly upscale setting) and give real insights.
***okay, if you haven't watched the latest episodes you might not want to read this.***
i mean, i think its really really amazing how even though chuck, nate and blair all hate each other to smithereens, yet would still work together as a united front for serena. i mean i guess that's real friendship. you fight and argue and probably do despicable and selfish things (not on purpose), but yet when it comes to the crunch, you'll still be there for that person. i think it beats having superficial friends who say they'll be there for you, and things most of the time are in happy lala land, but when you really need them they aren't there. that and people who are two-faced. but thats another story. i can't say i've really experienced that. but was just musing. i don't particularly like expounding on emotional baggage online. its something too private for a domain so public. haha. reminds me of the other day, i had a conversation with my sis. san was saying emos stood for (i forget. but i think it was something about emotional monsters.) i said it was "emotionally motivated or stupid". i think that makes more sense. haha. awhells.
and now, *drumroll*, ladies and gentlemen. the moment you've all been waiting for! introducing...
okay. just cotty. no solomon. okay? i mean. he's a rabbit. he can't be named after the wisest (yet very promiscuous king - 300 wives, 700 concubines) king that ever lived. i like cotty. its like cotton? but cuter. cotty. (:

and the story goes dad bought it for sherwin. his rationale being sherwin was born (according to the chinese zodiac calender) in the year of the rabbit. that was in response to my protest that when i wanted a rabbit, i didn't get one. but when sherwin wanted one, he got one (a rabbit along with a laptop, crumpler, handphone, mp3 player - but he doesnt use that one, so its with dad). dots. then i said, then i should have a dragon then. and dad quickly retorted, "but its not real." and then san and i, almost simultaneously said, "then sandra should get a horse!" but of course it would be unrealistic cos we don't have the space, its so much bigger, its so much more expensive. blah blah blah. excuses. :p lysa wants to introduce cotty to taro (her border collie) which of course immediaely i protested. cotty would end up being a snack for taro (ironic considering the name taro). haha.
(edited: andrew and i were walking home when we saw a white rabbit hop past. we were thinking, wait. we just got a rabbit. that can't be ours. can it? turns out, it wasn't. it was full grown and belonged to our neighbour just down the road (nearby where we found the rabbit actually. apparently, her name was snowball. and she spends half her time digging up the garden. i wish i had a garden for cotty to dig up too.) and i made this notebook. custom order. it was supposed to just be pink and white. but i can't make a notebook that's just pink and white?!! it was supposed to be full of hearts and look "ah lian" (chinese slang for girl gangster). but i don't do ah lian, thank you. besides, i needed an excuse to use my chipboard trees and zig zag dotter. ((:
OKAY. that was a looooooong post. i'm tired. btw, the pictures from today's youth gospel rally are uploaded onto shutterfly. check link at the sidebar! nights!
p/s: sherwin made my day. we were driving to j8, my mom was driving. and sherwin suddenly said, "mom, i think you better let da jie (big sister) drive." haha. oh man. (:
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
gossip girl

Thursday, May 08, 2008
swap scrap day!

then san msged me to say she was giving mom flowers and a card tonight (mom's coming back from malaysia). so i frantically started making a 5.5" x 5.5" layout for mom. did it in a nifty, but i quite like it. its like chocolate with raspberry sauce! (:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
grilled double cheese mushroom sandwich
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
the road to creativity

started to organise again. everytime i organise, i find things i didn't know i had. and that somehow, inadvertedly spurs creativity. so pictures of reorganising...

i finally decided to colour code my buttons! i used empty glass bottles that used to contain some of my prima flowers and coffee jars.

all sitting pretty in a row. i covered the tops with the colour of the buttons for easy reference.

flowers! colour coordinated too!

okay, and i got these lovely agate gemstone pieces. i want to do a series of pendants. still thinking of the design. hopefully would get it done soon.