okay, some pouches i made. the invincible boy (which i just realised i've spelt wrongly there on the photo), i'm giving to andrew. he liked it and asked me to make a pouch for his iTouch! (: yay, will prolly be making it later this week. will post pictures.
the birdie? i got a whole series of them made as pendants on squiggletown, so i thought, why not add it to the pouch? (: i really like it. so bright and cheery.

us at Gelare. my hair looks long again doesnt it? hmm. we met Heike there. apparently she has been working there, so we got discount for the gorgeous chocolate chip waffle with chocolate overload ice-cream. which we dug into right away and finished it so fast i didnt get to take pictures. ahwells. (:

snapshots of whats in our media kit for our pr project.
oh wait. i didnt explain why i was deliriously happy. because squiggletown has got international visitors!!! oh my. germany, spain, australia and even china. i'm wondering where .net is from. but yes. i am. very happy that is. haha. its a great boost to my self-esteem. see whenever one indulges in craft - for me that would be beading, scrapping, claying, (a bit of sewing and wood stuff..does baking count?) - there's a tendency to feel unsure about one's ability. questions like does this appeal to people? is it really okay? is it too mismatched? too tacky? once in awhile, its nice to have reassurances. for the most part, craft for me is a hobby. having sales or compliments is an added bonus.
i think i'm rambling - and incoherently at that. its just one of those times, when you have a myriad..uh..plethora of emotions and you just dont know how to pen it down.
got..to..log..off. i've got my pr project presentation later. praying it'll go well. need to prepare. pictures of us looking corporate like later. (: