Monday, January 07, 2008

MAAD jan 08

from squiggletown, entry dated monday, 7 jan 2008.

spot the difference? the first day i forgot my tablecloth. but i remembered the second day (thanks mom)! notice the second day the table is neater - nicer arrangements and all (thanks andrew) and also because most of the new stuff amongst others was quickly sold on the first day (thanks to all who stopped by).

MAAD was great; meeting new people, making new friends, and getting the support from friends who dropped by just to keep me company, pitched in to help out at the booth or be it just providing entertainment (thanks lysa, mel, caleb, joshua, sk, san, vince). and for getting snacks and ferrying me to and fro (thanks dad)!

you see i've realised MAAD has shown me how one little hobby can bring people together, and its also helped me realised the many blessings life has. i don't usually wax lyrical on squiggletown, but i just felt it was expedient to state how very grateful i am to all who helped make my booth at MAAD a success. definitely a great start to the year! hopefully squiggletown would be at MAAD again soon.

and for some reason i've a compulsion to make chocolate cheesecake. or cookies. hmm.

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