Sunday, January 27, 2008

bad bad news

okay. my hard drive has crashed. so i'm momentarily without my photoshop, documents and iTunes. i still have my pictures (thank GOD for a portable hard drive) but they cant be edited to a smaller size (if the picture above took longer than usual to load, you know why). therefore i cant upload the pictures that we took at mediacorp the past two days up on flickr (please spread the word). but BUT! i assure you, once dell has fixed my lappie i'll upload said pictures and update squiggletown of all the new items. (:
in case you're wondering, i'm using my mom's tablet pc for now (refer to picture above). yes, its so small, its shorter than my nalgene and smaller than A4 sized paper. yes. which means my fingers keep tapping the wrong keys. ahwells. praying really hard my lappie will be fixed asap with the important programmes and documents intact (yes, my assignments and project documents are in there!!)
for some reason i'm feeling withdrawal syndromes of not being able to use my lappie to search, blog, upload, surf as i please. shows the immense and inordinate dependancy i have on technology. bad bad bad. goodness, the com isn't even showing me if i'm making any spelling errors whilst typing this entry - no red squiggly lines. i miss my lappie. think i'm going to name her. hmm, i shall name her zimba, after my russ lion. and cos she's pretty rugged, been with me for 3 years, and some accidents involving the LCD screen and hinges and whatnot. yes. zimba. okay, i miss zimba. hope they fix her soon.

ps: half wanted to tag this entry rant (and possibly rage). haha.
pps: radio production is soooooo fun! especially the gossip girl interview - xoxo! (: thanks for asking me to be leighton liz!
ppps: i think i'm blabbering excessively cos of the lack of pictures. *bah*

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